Minh Long Ceramic: TVC

Tet is a traditional occasion for Vietnamese people to send out the best wishes for health and good luck in the coming year. People often give meaningful gifts to show their respect and love for the others. For this Tet holiday, we introduce to you Minh Long Pot God, representing Minh Long’s new healthy cooking product, delivering healthy porcelain pot filled with good luck and health to the whole family.

Client: Minh Long
Agency: Redder Advertising
Production House: Red Cat Motion, Planion, Alien Media.

This project is fun but also challenging because we only have 2 weeks to deliver the video before Tet Holiday.

Than Noi Eyes-100.jpg

The character was provided by agency. Based on their rough design, we revise it for animation purpose. From 2D design, we modeled and made it more lively.


See the main character in Action.


The client didn’t request these photos, but we tried to add more cinematic look to the scene.
